Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Blank Slate

I just finished a salad, which was very tasty (romaine lettuce, tomatoes, blue cheese, roasted butternut squash and onion leftovers and a balsamic vinaigrette). I was also in the process of starting a new post and got very excited when I looked at my blank page. Wow. That just lifted my mood. I think knowing that anything is possible, and that my world is in this very moment got my juices flowing. Nice, as my friend, Kathleen, would say.

Patriots Day is such a cool holiday. Many people outside of Massachusetts may not have known about it until the bombings last year. According to Wiki, Patriots Day commemorates the anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775, which were the first battles of the Revolutionary War. There is always a home Red Sox game at 11 a.m. and of course the Boston Marathon. Sometimes there is a Celtics game and hockey playoffs are at this time as well. It is an amazing day for sports and a great part of spring in MA. Watching the marathon took on new meaning this year I am sure.  That said, I have always gotten so inspired and at times emotional watching the skill and athleticism of the wheelchairs, the humor of the tutu and costume wearing runners, the effort of the military runners, the loyalty of Team Hoyt and the sheer will of all runners from elite to the very last one to cross the finish line. It is a day of pride and I really missed it this year.

Time to put on Wild Wild Love by Pitbull and get cooking.

The other night I made one of my favorite dishes. I have been making this for years and years and it is incredibly flexible. It has taken different forms throughout the year and I did allude to it in one of my first posts. Can you believe this is my 20th post!!??

Black Beans and Rice
1-2 cans of black beans, rinsed and in a pot with a little water
1 cup brown rice (or white if you choose), cooked
Package of spinach, sautéed with olive oil, garlic, S&P
2 tomatoes
1 sweet pepper (yellow or orange for pretty)
1/4 onion
2T fresh cilantro
Juice of 1 lime
Two drops of olive oil
Corn with a little dried or fresh cilantro on top
1-2 avocados or already made guacamole
lettuce - a few leaves
Tomatillo salsa (of course!)
Mexican cheese for topping

Essentially, the black beans and rice are the base and you add whatever you want on top. I make a salad/salsa with tomatoes, peppers, onion, cilantro and lime juice. Add 2 drops of olive oil to help bind the flavors. Then, you layer. I started with lettuce, black beans, rice, spinach, corn, salad, cheese and salsa. It is totally healthy and really tasty. You can make a soft taco/burrito or keep it as a bowl dish. Yum.

Enjoy and have a fantastic day!

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