Thursday, April 17, 2014

Choose Adventure

Boat trips can be so fun. Depending on your boat and the conditions, they can be smooth sailing or windy, exciting rides. Either way, getting out onto the water makes you realize you are a visitor in nature and connects people who are sharing the moment with you.

My parents, Kelley, the kids and I had decided to take a sunset catamaran trip from 6-8 p.m. in Captiva on our last night in the Fort Myers area.  We had this great lunch at Doc Fords and an amazing day of shelling at the beach. Yet something was missing....WIND. Catamaran rides really need wind. So we went back and forth about whether or not to go forward with the trip. It was getting late and we really needed to fish or cut bait. We drove to the marina and still no wind. Kelley spoke with the office who offered only half back or another kind of boat trip. Needless to say, we decided to go on the catamaran ride. We knew it was a beautiful night and we would be on the water. Choose adventure.

It was one of the best nights we have all had in a long time. The sky was magnificent. The music was incredible and we just hung out and enjoyed the time.  We were all so happy in that moment.  My parents danced. My kids and I snuggled on the net and had some awesome conversations. We all saw some cool dolphins chasing the wake of other boats and feeding near our boat near the marina. And the sunset was likely the most incredible I have seen in a very long time. The light in the sky was truly magical and no camera can capture its beauty. And to think we almost didn't go because the wind wasn't going to be perfect. Sometimes when you aren't seeking perfection, the best experience finds you.  Choose adventure.

Put on La La La by Naughty Boy and get cooking!

I offered to make a dear friend some vegetable soup yesterday. I was very excited to cook and do something special for someone. I googled vegetable soup and ran to the store. I packaged it up along with parmesan cheese, rolls and oyster crackers.  Soup and salad always goes nicely together so I made a simple salad of Belgium endive and romaine lettuce, tomatoes, onion and garnished with a piece of parsley. The dressing I made was a balsamic vinaigrette (one to one of oil and vinegar, salt and pepper) with a little Dijon mustard thrown in for a tiny kick. I also layered some blackberries, strawberries and raspberries in a bowl and some non-home made almond cookies on the side. Beautiful, cheery yellow tulips in a brightly colored bag and the package was completed!

Of course I had to taste the soup to make sure it wasn't poisonous and I liked it enough to post it here. I adapted it from a food network site.  The original recipe is called Garden Vegetable Soup by Alton Brown, so please feel free to go to the website if you want to make that version. If you are feeling adventurous, you can make cheese crackers or add chicken to the soup.

Garden Vegetable Soup
3T olive oil
2 leeks, white parts only, chopped finely
1 garlic clove, minced
3 carrots, peeled and sliced
1.5 potatoes, peeled and diced
handful of green beans, cut into 3/4 inch pieces
1 zucchini, cut into bite sized morsels
1 quart vegetable broth
1 cup chicken broth
1 cup frozen corn
handful of spinach leaves sliced
1/4 cup or more of chopped fresh parsley
1 can of whole tomatoes, chopped
juice of one lemon
celery salt, lemon pepper, crazy salt, or any other seasonings you might want to add to add depth
kosher salt and pepper to taste

Heat olive oil in a large heavy-bottomed stock pot over medium-low heat.  Once hot, add leeks and garlic and saute for a few minutes. Add carrots, potatoes, green beans and zucchini and let saute for a few more minutes. Add tomatoes.

Add the stock and bring to a simmer. Add corn, spinach, parsley and lemon juice and let simmer until all vegetables are fork tender. Season to taste.

Enjoy and have a spectacular day!!


Unknown said...

As always I love reading these. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Looks easy enough even I can make it...??:). Great vacation update!