Thursday, April 3, 2014

Cleaning up for Masters!

Good morning! Happy Thursday! Our vacation starts officially tomorrow after school/work but really, I won't feel like we are on vacation until we are in the car and on the road to Florida.

As I have mentioned in earlier posts, we are in the midst of cleaning and sorting and putting away so that the house is at its best for our renters during Masters week. I like having this reason to do so. I have always relished in the giving away of belongings. I think I have a little Jack Kerouac, Dharma Bums in me. There is a part of me who would love to have a rucksack and not much else but I also have a part that loves decorating and adding funky to my surroundings.

When we moved to Augusta, we donated so much and it felt great. Down here, we don't have a basement or garage so therefore we have less stuff! Even our mover admitted that we didn't have as much as he has seen. But, knowing I have belongings in our attic in Needham makes me itch. The OCD in me wants to go through it and donate, donate, donate!

Even with a smaller house and less storage, we still manage to accumulate. We have given away 3 huge bags of clothing this week and I hope to do more! The best part of this exercise in getting ready for renters is that the girls had to put a lot of their little things (and there are many, many little things!!) into the attic. Their rooms are so much more streamlined! I love it. I am hoping we can keep them like this and donate some of those said little things!!! All in an effort to live a simpler life.

Put on Magic by Coldplay and get cooking!

Yesterday was a really beautiful, warm day here in Augusta. None of the meals I had planned for the week were speaking to me. Kelley came home from a business trip, sick, and the girls and I had gone for ice cream after school. YUM! Cold Stone Creamery is dangerously close to our house. Needless to say, I wasn't feeling very hungry but need to eat down the frig, freezer and pantry. So, I made a dish that I have been making a variation of since college. Your basic pasta salad! You can add anything to this and you can make it a side dish or a vegetarian main course. Or, add chicken, shrimp or tofu to make it more robust. The more colorful vegetables the better. The kind of vinegar you use is up to you. The vegetables you use are up to you. Below is just a guideline. I don't measure so these are guestimates. Play around with the taste. You can make a Greek pasta salad or Italian. So many people have their own versions but this was my version last night and it was YUM!

Pasta Salad
2 small tomatoes, diced
3-4 baby cucumbers, diced
1 large pepper or several mini bell peppers, diced
quarter of an onion, diced
1/4 cup fresh mint
1/4 cup fresh parsley
8 oz pasta of choice
juice of 1 lemon
olive oil
champagne vinegar
salt and pepper
parmesan to taste

Enjoy and have a spectacular week! Talk to you soon!!

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