Wednesday, January 28, 2015

A very sad day

My heart is very heavy today.

A student from school committed suicide last night. It is always shocking and it is always heartbreaking when something like this happens, especially in your own communities. Lately, I have been hearing so much about kids all over the country, big schools, small schools, public and private, who are doing things to hurt themselves and then is so heartbreaking on so many different levels.

For me, I think of the complete desperation one must feel.

For me, I send my deepest compassion to all of the families who deal with depression and anxiety in their kids every day, and especially to those whose children take their own lives.

For me, I send love and deep strength to all of the kids who feel so alone.

For me, I think of my peer in my high school who took her life and the deep effects it had on our own small community.

For me, I think of my cousin, Edward.

For me, I think of my kids and how they will handle this tragic news.

For me, I want kids to be kids for as long as humanly possible.

For me, I think of the increasing pressure kids feel every day. The weight you have on your shoulders to do more, be more, be the best in sports, be the prettiest or most handsome, get the best grades, do as many activities as you possibly can. Then, completely differentiate yourself from your peers so that you can get into a good college, then grad school. That way you can get a great job that pays a lot of money and then you will be happy. It is exhausting just thinking about it.

For me, all I want to do is give my girls a hug. Let them know I love them, and am always here for them, unconditionally, and am so proud they are my daughters. I am grateful I get to be their mom. If they need to talk to someone and it can't be me, that is totally fine! As long as they talk. As long as it is someone they can trust.

For me, I want mental health to become a priority in this country. Let therapy become a normal thing instead of having a stigma attached to it. Instead of being something not discussed, bring it into the open. It is hard growing up. It is hard for parents to parent! Parents have never been parents until they are in fact, parents! I am not going to do everything right and they aren't going to everything right as kids. It is a growing process as families to be together, figuring it out, as we go. A little extra help along the way is a very good thing.

For me, I need to acknowledge the sadness I feel. I don't know this particular family but I still feel very sad. I send love, support, and deepest thoughts and concern to all who loved her, all who knew her, and hope that happy memories as well as compassion fill the voids left in their hearts.

For me, I want to yell from the tree tops that no one is alone. There is always help. No matter how sad you are, how alone you are, you are truly never alone. There is always someone who can help.

For me, I want all my friends and families to know that they are loved. You are special and you are never alone.

For me, I realize that in time, life moves on. It has to. The sun will set, the sun will rise. With each passing moment, I take hold. I realize that life is so fragile and so fleeting. You must grab the simple moments where you can, grab your place in time and cherish it. Hold onto it. Suck the marrow from it. Seize the day. Seize the moment.

Put on Prayer in C by Robin Schulz and Lilly Wood and the Prick and get cooking.

The Foley family gave me this recipe a few months ago and boy it is good. It is soooooo good. It is even better that it is VERY, VERY, VERY easy. Literally, throw some items in the crock pot. Turn it on and go. THANK YOU FOR THIS RECIPE. We make it all the time. Totally good and totally healthy.

White Chicken Chili
Approx 1 lb chicken breasts
2 jars salsa
2 cans, drained and rinsed white beans or any beans of your choosing
Chili Mix seasoning (I either buy an organic version or have made up my own using chili powder, dried onion and garlic, cumin, basil, oregano and/or parsley. Really, anything goes)
Cheese (Monterey jack or shredded Mexican mix)

Everything goes in the crockpot, except the cheese. Cook on low 4-6 hours. Shred the chicken (it will totally fall apart) and add cheese about 15 minutes before serving. Serve with fresh diced avocado, sour cream, chips and cilantro.

Easy to double as well.

Enjoy! Have a good day, everyone.


Tracy Cranley said...

Such sad news, Amy. My thoughts and prayers for that family, your family and community.

On a happy note, thanks for the recipe. It sounds amazing. Will have to try this week!

Julie Strehle said...

Ditto what Tracy said! Take care, Amy, you are in my thoughts. xoxo