Thursday, May 24, 2018

A Tale of Two Sisters

As you may know I have two daughters, ages 14 and 16. I write those numbers and I am staring at them in disbelief. How can I feel like I was 16 just a few years ago and yet have a 16 year old daughter? But then my 30th high school reunion is around the corner and my youngest is graduating from 8th grade today.

Each stage of parenting is difficult and complex and feels like the hardest one but parenting teenage daughters is definitely a pinnacle moment for me. As tough and frustrating and rewarding as it is, and as much as I feel that I am failing at my job, I am incredibly grateful they have each other.

They are 22 months apart in age and from the way I carried them in me to today, they are very different kids. Except they are also very similar. One is often compared to my husband, Kelley. One is often compared to me. One is naturally athletic and things come a little easier for her when she works hard at it. One has to work hard at something and still has to fight for it. They were born gestationally on the same day, four and a half weeks early. One ended up in the NICU. One came home with us when we left the hospital. I remember being in the hospital waiting for Sage to be born, holding a picture of Sosie in my hand and feeling so worried that Sosie would feel sad or somehow betrayed that we had introduced someone new to the family. When we were all home, Sosie sat on the stairs with me and said, "Me no want Sage". After months of countless books on introducing a new sibling into the family, here we were. I said, "Sosie. Sage is part of our family now and she loves you very much. In fact, she loves you so much that she got you this present." Cue the gift!!! Sosie ran over to her sister after opening the present and said she loved her. Their story began. This was the first time Sosie saw her sister.

They do love each other. There was the time Sosie decided to sleep in Sage's room for a year. We even bought sheets and a blanket for her to use in there. There was the time Sosie wanted to run away from home and I asked her who I should call to be her new mom and Sage was in the background hysterical crying that her sister might leave her. There were the summers they traveled to PA and DC every summer with my parents for 2 weeks starting at the age of 2 and 3, so they learned to be together and rely on each other. There was the time the girls wore matching necklaces to symbolize their love for each other. Family.

This was a challenging school year. For many reasons. Kelley took on a new role at work. Sosie had two concussions, a health scare, a car accident and learned to adjust to life as a teenage driver and as a 16 year old in this day and age. Sage faced new challenges and learned to sit in the front seat of the car when someone was driving, literally and figuratively. Close friends had moved away and there were adjustments and growth abound. If you looked at both kids, you'd assume Sage had the better year. Her grades are incredibly strong. She had many successes and worked very hard to achieve those successes. She played varsity soccer with her sister and was on the field more often than not. Yes, that created a bit of tension but Sosie's pride for her sister never waned. As hard as it was at times, love overcame. 

I look at their years differently. Sosie faced countless challenges and each one she met them head on. She faltered and sometimes fell but every single time she got back up again. With a smile on her face for the world to see. Even when inside it might have felt differently. With strife there is growth. The journey can be painful but I am so proud of where she is now and will continue to go. Sage struggles differently and puts a ton of pressure on herself and her stress comes out at moments sometimes when you least expect it. But in the end, they are both young women who are figuring out this crazy world. It isn't easy and their paths are different but they have strength and grit and....each other. I remember Kelley and I used to think we were so different when we were dating. It was a sticking point for us. But then, then, a very sage person said to us - you are more alike than you are different. And we realized that she was right. So, even when Sosie and Sage seem like they are different, I see all of their similarities. And I look at the world that way. Yes, people are uniquely different and there are many qualities that make every person special across the world. But remember, we are all human. We are all so similar and have like experiences, even in the smallest of details. It is time to treat each other that way. In the meantime, I am so grateful my girls have each other.

Time to put on Hopeless Wanderer by Mumford and Sons and let's get cooking.

Today I am doing something different. On the pages section of my blog, I have two pages of recipes. Over 80 recipes included. Time to pick your favorite recipe from your life. It can be a childhood meal. It can be one you have make every week. It can be one that takes some time or one that only takes minutes to prepare. Find one. Choose one. And enjoy the process of cooking it. Enjoy the moment, the simple moment.

Have a great day!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Remember all of your senses in those simple moments

Lately I have been thinking about all of the senses that the human body generally has, including hearing, sight, touch, smell, and taste. Of course there has always been discussion about the sixth sense or intuition as well. We use these senses in different ways all day long to live our every day lives. Some people have stronger individual senses than others and some don't have a particular sense so rely on others even more so.

How many of you rely on your senses with memory? Which ones? A certain sight might catch you remembering, or hearing a particular song or tasting a meal that touched your soul. For me, I think about a particular sound that comes in the spring/summer, along with the warmth of the sun, that brings me back to my backyard at my childhood home. Smelling the air. Hearing the birds and insects alive in just a certain way can instantly bring me back 40 years in an instant. I remember the way my grandparent's house smelled-a mix of history, life, Armenian food, books, love, safety, home. Sitting 11-20 people in one modest room, the television in the background and books on the shelves witness to multiple conversations about everything from family history to food to love to sports to politics. Boboo would have been 102 yesterday.

Pictures do a lot to bring memories to life. Sometimes photographs become the memory itself as years wear on and small details fade.

I think about technology and the role it plays in our lives now. It has always played a role in life across generations. On this Mother's Day, I think about our lives as children and I think about our childrens' lives. How they have never not known life without a school shooting in the news, or life without a cell phone. While it is difficult for us to identify with what it is like to be a teenager in this day and age, I think about the power of their technology. While it is terrifying, it is also truly amazing. The fact that they have all of these ways to express their creativity and themselves is awesome. They are able to take a picture and design it and post it to share with their community. They are able to share music among their friends in an instant. There are many negatives to the positives of course and I hope they don't forget to experience life and not just document it but then I think about the fact that this is the present and the future. We need to support them and find ways to make sure they utilize their skills and talents in all forms. Making sure that every kid understands what makes them unique, special and important in this crazy world.

Like Sage's picture from art class above, Be yourself. Be kind. Accept others. Forget haters.

Put on Flapper Girl by The Lumineers and let's get cooking!!

This year I ventured into meal services and there are a million of them out there now. Life got a little crazy and I went through a serious rut of figuring out new recipes that the family would enjoy. Having two meals determined for me during the week was just very helpful. We have tried two different services. Hello Fresh and Plated. Hands down I like Plated better in terms of the tastes and the recipes and the kinds of meals are more suited to my liking. I think the quality of the food is also better and as you would imagine, it is a tiny bit more expensive. I will say that my kids probably like Hello Fresh better because I would say the recipes have more comfort food meals included.

That said, I am going to include a link to a meal I made this week from Plated. I really enjoyed it because I love the tastes in this food. Plus it was pretty and colorful. It wasn't as popular with the kids but it was very good.

Moroccan Beef Kefta

The finished product:

Enjoy and have a happy day, everyone!!!! 

hiatus - post 155/155

  It is time for a break. A hiatus. Maybe it is the end of this chapter. Maybe it is just an intermission. All I know is that it is time. An...