Monday, July 27, 2020

Time to take a moment.....7-27-20

I saw this sculpture in Mexico in January. Its beauty struck me. The calm. The peace. I paused more than once to stare at her. I guess that is the point, to take a moment. I think about how much has changed since that trip. It is truly a different world. It was the beginning of a year that has become something so vastly opposite then what we thought it would be then. Yet, the world continues.

We adapt. We flex. We continue. Something that has always stayed with me when I hear about a death of someone I know. I think about the sadness and the void left in the world and then I am suddenly aware of how the world continues on. Somehow that makes me more sad but also more apt to seize the day, realizing that the world does continue and how I don't want to miss what it brings, no matter how hard and challenging.

So, in the midst of all of this muck - and lately the world feels a lot like muck, I bow. I bow to the things I cannot control, the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference as the famous quote goes.

With that in mind, time to put on It's called: Freefall by Rainbow Kitten Surprise and let's get cooking!!

Click this link immediately - do not pass go, do not collect $200. It is so good. And you can shortcut if you don't have time to do all of the steps.

Israeli Vegetable Salad

Enjoy and have a happy day everyone!

hiatus - post 155/155

  It is time for a break. A hiatus. Maybe it is the end of this chapter. Maybe it is just an intermission. All I know is that it is time. An...