Monday, August 10, 2020

College-the next stage of the journey, even during a pandemic

We have already established that for the world, 2020 has a lot to be desired. It is the epitome of when things don't go as planned. Talk about having to be flexible and adjust accordingly. As I said in the last post, life continues and we bend and flex to make things work. 

My youngest daughter started her junior year of high school today. My oldest daughter is moved into college and is in the midst of rush week. Thinking about my own college experience and now looking at it from the perspective of a parent, which is hard because in some ways, I was just at Colgate, right?? Well, twenty eight years ago, but still (wink, wink). The fact that I have the perspective now that my mom had then is something I could hardly imagine then and yet I am living it now, if that makes sense at all. is a process. Everything is a process. Life is a process. That comes into being now more than ever. 

When I think of Sosie at school, I realize that this year is unprecedented. It is going to be different because it has to be. Though, for them it isn't different. It is their reality because they don't know of an experience other than this one. 

I imagine my first moments in college - not knowing anyone, waiting to make the first connections, finding that first friend and not knowing what to do with my time. Being completely on my own with an unstructured schedule. I was the person who had a difficult transition. I didn't love being on my own from the beginning and in fact it took me awhile to get into my groove. I wished I was the person who jumped in and swam mightily, had no issues, didn't miss home and felt comfortable in my own skin. I was never really that person so I am not sure why I expected that at college. It took time. It was a process. 

There were disappointments when I didn't make The Swinging Gates and there were amazing times when I joined my sorority and saw so many friends there. There were the moments I met my future roommate and we clicked in a beautiful way and there were the quiet moments I found a spot by the lake to enjoy the present of being on campus. It is a process. Truthfully, I didn't really find my happy places until I was out of college but I did find my groove. It took time, I dug deep (sometimes so so deep) and found the inner strength to find my way. I almost dropped out of Colgate my junior year but now I can't imagine having not been there. The connections I made in school and after college ended with people from Colgate are some of my longest lasting and they have made my life full. But it took time. It is a process. 

So, whether you have the child who doesn't look back or the child who won't stop looking back, it is a process. For you as the mom, for your family who is adjusting to a new dynamic and for your young adult who is striking out on their own for the first time. It is a process. And processes take time. It also takes patience, flexibility, understanding, compassion, inclusion, friendship, love, support, prayers, kindness, and a sense of humor. 

Put on American Teen by Khalid and let's get cooking. 

For today, we are doing something a little different. It is summer still - it is August 10 and you need to plan your favorite summer meal. Some of your favorite things. Corn on the cob, a fresh heirloom tomato with basil and balsamic, a juice burger of choice, ice cream and enjoy every single bite. 

Enjoy and have a happy day everyone!!


Sunday, August 2, 2020

First Bird Leaving the Nest..........

T-minus 3 days until my first-born girl leaves for college. Wow.....the flood of emotions come to me more naturally now. Up until now, focusing on the tasks at hand have helped me with some healthy denial (it isn't just a river in Eygpt).

It literally feels like yesterday when we were starting Sosie's senior year of highschool. Who am I kidding - it feels like yesterday when she was a baby. Now I am getting ready to say goodbye. I have never been good at leaving my kids - they can leave me but me leaving them is not something that feels in any way comfortable. Imagining driving away from her is not an easy thought. So, I focus on nesting - making her new room a home. Deep down (and not so deep down) I am so excited for her. I am filled with joy at the adventure she is about to have in a new place. She is ready to spread her wings and soar. A graceful flight - one that will dip and ebb and flow but will nonetheless take her far. So, this is a different kind of blog post.....

When both of my girls turned 16, I gave them a version of this - so I write it here too

My Wishes

My wish is for you to know your beauty and your soul, to know what makes you happy and feel alive, to know yourself and your value, your worth.

My wish is for you to know your strengths and be aware of the challenges you have in front of you.

My wish is for you to learn the thing that makes you tick, the places you love and that speak to you.

My wish is for you to know what makes you laugh and what makes you cry, to know when to speak up and when to learn more in the quiet moments.  

My wish is for you to surround yourself by people who know and appreciate your greatness, but for you to understand what makes you great first.

My wish is for you to have the room to grow always, knowing that may mean you may fall once or twice. Dust yourself off when that happens and get back up to try again.

My wish is for you to live a life filled with all kinds of adventures. Life is a journey and is meant to be lived to its fullest. Carpe Diem.

My wish is for you to know in your heart of hearts that you are good, really good.

My wish is for you to know that I am always here for you and I will always love you, unconditionally. I will listen and offer any help I can, and will try to be fair at all times. I will be honest in my opinions. This may make you unhappy sometimes but you can always count on me, always, to be truthful about the situation.

My wish is for you to take risks. Know that you may fail but you may win too. Take risks in relationships and take risks in life and in your adventures. Your life will be all the better for it.

My wish is for you to give to others. Open yourself up to new experiences and open yourself to those important to you. Give back to your community and be present in your relationships. 

My wish is for you to know that hard times will pass. Things will always get better. You have an incredible support system.

My wish is for you to understand that education is supremely important. It is going to give you the head start you need in life. Know this and work hard.

Be a leader, be a learner, be a friend, be kind, be your best self. Know you are loved and love yourself more.

I love you to the moon and beyond.  Love, Mom

Now put on Let's Get it Started by Black Eyed Peas and let's get cooking.

In honor of Sosie, I am making her favorite food before she goes - Mac n Cheese or in this case, Alfredo. It is a throwback recipe from 2014.

Click Here For the Best Alfredo Recipe Ever!!!!

Enjoy and Have a Happy Day, everyone! Be safe!


hiatus - post 155/155

  It is time for a break. A hiatus. Maybe it is the end of this chapter. Maybe it is just an intermission. All I know is that it is time. An...