Thursday, April 14, 2022

Do you Wordle?


Do you Wordle? 

I do.

You know what I love about it? 

The simplicity. 

There is no need for an app. It is not social media. Anyone with an internet connection can access it. It has a Goldilocks amount of challenge and I feel like I have accomplished something when I complete each puzzle. It is something I can do every day, and it doesn't take more than a few minutes. An easy habit.

I love that I can talk about it with people of all ages without actually talking about it. It is something people can share but no one discloses the answer. There is no drama to it. There are no "sides". It is just wordle. How novel!

You see, I long to just be. 

Just be. 

It is my biggest challenge lately. To sit quietly within myself. To take the space to appreciate, understand and live in the moment. Life in my head is moving at warp speed and I want to slow it down but I don't know how. I look in the mirror and think about how much time has passed. How can I be my age but feel like I am still 20 years younger? There is so much more I want to do. Those life-long dreams. Are they still attainable? Do I have the courage to take the risk to chase a dream and will that fulfill me? 

As I continue to race, I look for things that force me to sit still but also to be still in my mind. Focus. Recently I was on vacation in Cabo. Senior mother / daughter trip with friends. The moms were on a hike with a man who runs a shelter/day care for dogs. He takes groups up this hill every morning - it provides exercise for the dogs and the people learn a bit along the way. Ok when I say hill I really mean, mountain! We were like scaling the side of it!!!  There were a lot of people on this particular trek, maybe 30 and I am guessing maybe 10 dogs, maybe more? I wasn't able to fully appreciate the view from where we were but it was really beautiful. It was a great deal more challenging than I realized it would be and I found myself racing up and racing down. 

On the way down, I found myself slipping a few times and then I definitively fell..... into a cactus. 

Yes. A cactus. 

Aside from the pain and thorns, there is definitely humor there (well maybe the humor came after the fact, after some champagne). There is also a lesson. I was rushing through the moment. Not taking care to recognize where I was. I wasn't appreciating the journey. I wanted the destination. And if I hadn't fallen, I am not sure I would have recognized that lesson. Life is a balance, isn't it?

Song to Listen To: That's Where I Am by Maggie Rogers (loving this song)

Book to Read:  The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh (one of my favorites)

Recipe to Make: We visited Flora Farms in Cabo. We went there for a cooking lesson and then stayed and had lunch. It was my second time visiting this dream of a place. The lighting, the vegetables, the teachers, the setting. It is so magical for me. I get giddy just thinking about it. 

Tonight, as I sip a glass of wine,  I am remembering the margaritas we had when we arrived at the farm. I thought I would provide the recipe here. I am not a huge sweet cocktail person so these really hit the spot. Enjoy!

Choose kindness. Every gesture counts. Peace and love always. 

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